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There are a lot of cases not treating flu as a serious illness among people. But such indifference is not likely to cause a number of complications. If it is not treated in a timely manner, can lead to the development of sinusitis.

What is sinusitis? How do their symptoms appear? Sinusitis - nasal cavity (sinusitis), acute or chronic inflammation. Sinuses are small spaces, and they are placed the bones of head. All sinuses (nasal adjacent spaces), covered with a thin mucous membrane, which is connected with a small holes through the nasal cavity. The nasal cavity is very important to work with adjacent spaces. If for any reason, contact between the adjacent cavities and nasal cavity is closed (for example, due to the swelling caused by the flu), conditions for the development of inflammation in sinusitis or sinus are appeared.

Long-lasting runny nose, nasal leaves become purulent nasal healing, reduction of smell to know, headache, sinus pain, weakness, rise in body temperature are the symptoms of sinusitis.

Sinusitis health hazard likely that these cavities and removal of accumulated pus, due to the not timely treatment of the disease caused by inflammation of adjacent tissues and organs.

If the above symptoms of sinusitis are seen it is advised to meet the doctor immediately.



Dilafruz ABDULLAEVA, a doctor. 



According to our ancient traditions when matchmakers went to see the future groom for the first time they tried to collect full information about seven generations of the bride and groom, their health, behavior, attitudes and moral standing, whether there was a hereditary disease among their relatives.

Unfortunately, today this tradition was forgotten a little. Because some families when they marry their daughters or sons instead of paying attention to generation, health of girl or boy, how they were ready to build a family they are being fascinated by luxurious houses, cars of future relatives. Unfortunately, as a result, some time later, they feel sad, regretful.

Don’t be careless toa medical check!

At the same time, many words are being said about the importance of a medical examination before the registration of marriage. Most citizens are looking seriously to this issue. But still there are a few people who neglect the medical examination.  And this is one of the problems facing our society. Below we speak about medical examination, its importance and role.

Acting head of the department of MRO of Marhamat district Irodakhon Ergasheva shared her views and comments on the subject:

- In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 365 on August 25, 2003,- "About confirming regulations on the medical examination of persons entering into marriage" future brides and grooms are passed free medical examination.

The main purpose of the medical examination of persons entering into marriage - the prevention of congenital and hereditary diseases, creating healthy environment in the society. Unfortunately, it makes me worry carelessness of some parents to their children's health, their fate. For example, we come across such circumstances during our work that our conscience does not allow officially register the marriage. But there are times when we can’t stand against the opinion of some parents. Recently we have been faced with such a situation. It was determined that the groom worked in Russia, got an infectious disease from there and currently in the final stages of treatment during the medical examination. We called girl’s and fellow’s parents and explained the situation. The wedding should be stopped for some period, if complications of the disease are not stopped it may pass to the bride too. The groom's relatives firmly said that they couldn’t stop the wedding ceremony. And the bride's relatives said the following comment : "The day of the wedding was confirmed, the restaurant was arranged, invitations were distributed to the guests, the rooms of the house were decorated and if we postpone the wedding how people think about this, what about my daughter?!".

Parties coming into an agreement that the bride and groom often visit the doctor they decided not to stop the wedding, the marriage were officially recorded. We found out that the young man was in Russia for many years, collected much money, though he was young he had a private car, a luxurious house. When we face similar situations like this we will be upset that parents push their children into headlong seeing and knowing. After all we can’t find the answer to the question that when parents realize that luxury wedding, car, mansions can’t make happy the child, such unpleasant cases could have negative effects on the health of children and he may suffer so much because of this.

... And some people had already had a marriage with legitimate marriage, had lived seven or eight months, the bride is pregnant, and soon gives a birth to the baby, apply for an officially registration of the marriage only because they need to take a birth certificate for their child. In this case, we will, of course, give a direction for a medical examination. It’s a pity that, in some cases, the availability of a variety of diseases is determined in the bride and the groom. In this case, there is no way back for the bride or the groom. She is pregnant, the disease observed in father or the mother affects the fetus too. In order to avoid such unpleasant situations we work in cooperation with imam-teachers.

Today, it’s a habit that young people receive the wedding certificate during the wedding ceremony. That’s why only after they went through a medical examination, we are familiar with the results of it we give them a special reference for the teaching of nikah marriage. Of course, the cases of filling the results of the medical examination with lies by doctors blindly were also widespread. We had such cases that parents who married their daughter came to us saying: "The bridegroom was sick, they hid this from us, now our daughter won’t live with him", those who married their son: "She was sick, they deceived us and married their sick daughters". In order such situations don’t happen the persons entering into marriage, of course, must pass a medical examination.

In this regard, I want to tell to our citizens, to young people on the threshold of a new life, never be carless to the health and the lives of your loved ones. Don’t forget- the health of the members of your family makes the base of a strong family.

 The results of medical examinationare kept as a secret

Irrespective of citizenship all citizens which are registrated by MRO of the Republic of Uzbekistan are held a medical examination in accordance with the Family Code in the order. The results of the medical examination will be kept confidential. The main purpose of the medical examination – creating a healthy environment in the family, heredity and preventing the birth of children with congenital abnormalities.

In case when the disease revealed in one of the youh or both of them during  the medical examination it is informed to themselves, their parents and to the specialists marriage registration  institutions in the appropriate manner. In other words, the results of the medical examination will be kept confidential.

 An attention to the health of our descendants

The imam of the "Qora qurg’on" mosque in Andijan city  Zuhriddin Musajonov says the following on the subject:

    -The foundation of the family, its fortified citadel, the ring that tightly linking the husband and wife is nikah. Marriage is considered as the most sacred agreement in human society. Because distinguishing halal and haram in the life, observance of  the rights of husband-wife, family planning, to ensure the continuity of the human species, education of the younger generation are the issues related to marriage.

The implementation of medical examination of the bride and groom before the marriage thinking the strength of the family, being the bride and groom happy, born children would be healthy is one of the best, very necessary and reasonable works being done by our government. Imagine how each parent who married their children with high hopes feel when they know that his or her daughter’s husband or bride suffer from an incurable illness. To avoid such unpleasant events, thinking the luck of family and children, introduced in order to build a healthy family and marriage this event has benefits both to the bride and groom and their relatives.

The teachings of islam wish only the good to people and support their not harming each other. So, first of all, pay an attention to your child's health. In this regard it is desirable that teacher- imams who read the legitimate nikah read the nikah only after seeing the marriage certificate which indicates the official registration of nikah, making sure that the young people went through a medical examination in order to avoid the unpleasantness.

A person whose children are healthy, happy has a calm heart. A calm heart desires admiring, wedding-luxury, laughter and joy. For this it is required that a person must be careful and responsible to his the health. So in order to live happy, meaningful and peaceful, first of all we must never forget that we should live following a healthy lifestyle, paying attention to our health.





There are few people who didn’t suffer from dental diseases. especially the teeth suffering from caries, gum disease make everyone worry.

Human’s milk teeth begin to appear when a baby is two and half years, his milk teeth should  appear before the baby is five or six years. When child's milk teeth growing, he becomes irritable, gum itching pain, temperature rises, diarrhea is seen. Milk teeth provide a proper appearing of permanent teeth. During this period, the caries incidence is high, because the children don’t follow oral hygiene. Therefore, parents should pay special attention to the cleanliness of the teeth of children.

Pregnant women also suffer from dental pain in a lot of cases. During this period, accepting drugs is strictly prohibited till the first three months. X-ray diagnostics is not allowed.

Caries is widely spread from dental diseases and it is known as "appearing warms in tooth" among people. Caries can cause defects to dental hard tissues. Caries also damages the outside appearance of tooth. Disease is watched in tooth itself and the root of the tooth. Due to many reasons of the origin of the disease it is included for polietiologic diseases. The main reason is not following the oral hygiene. Immediate consuming dessert after dinner, not cleaning the teeth two times a day, lack of various macro elements in the organism of a pregnant woman, consumption of different drugs affect the appearance of diseases associated with teeth and gums. If the environment in the oral cavity changes towards the acidic caries appears too. Due to sugar food remains for a long time in the oral cavity it turns into an acid and leads to the depletion of enamel layer of tooth.

Types of caries at "spot" stage occur in pregnant women, in general in some people. In this case, almost tooth pain is not observed. Brown spots appear only on the upper part of the tooth surface. The tread portion of tooth is filled in it. If appeared spot didn’t stain tissues of the enamel calcium fluoride is loaded on the surface of the tooth and processing is done.

Teeth must be regularly washed in order not to become ill with caries. As soon as small spots appear it is recommended to wash the teeth at least three or four minutes. It’s better to use special toothpastes which include calcium and fluoride for children and adults. In the middle stages of caries lesions of the muscles are damaged, enamel becomes different color, when the sweet enters to the place where damaged by caries it gives a vague pain, when washed it stops. In this case, good benefit is provided if mouth rinse with salt and soda is often given and an alkaline environment is given to mouth.

In a hard stage of caries pain in the teeth increases, from the hot-cold may pain even harder. In this case filling is done with light-hardening calcium and fluoride. If a patient has a cold in nervous system it gives a very strong pain. After the tooth have got a cold and infection of the cornea, it’s more difficult to treat it. In this case, it comes to the remove the tooth. Therefore, we must keep our teeth and not ignore dental diseases.


     Muslima  TOJIBOEVA, a doctor.



Most people love soft drinks. Indeed, when they are drunk the body relaxes, needs of languor are reduced. But not all may know well about its negative features. Even if it is true we must admit: harmful features of carbonated beverages cause various diseases for of the organism.

Carbonated drinks, for example, drinking of a glass of sweet lemonade every day causes 0.5 kilograms excess weight in a month. This is the first fact!

Carbonated drinks are considered as powerful drive motor urine. They serve to send out liquid from the organism, becoming waterless and dehydration and kidney loading rate. People who love these beverages are often seen to have detected the presence of stones in their kidney, kidney colic. This is mainly because of the abundance of phosphorus acid in their component.

Because of the high acidity in soft drinks, abundance of amount of sugar poses a serious risk for teeth too. The acid will melt mineral substances in the enamel of tooth. As a result, the teeth become weak, tend to soften. When carbonated drinks are consumed with a stick an aggressive effect of liquid to teeth is reduced. It is not allowed to clean the teeth immediately after drinking such beverages. Otherwise, degradation of teeth intensifies due to acid. Better it is desirable to rinse oral with warm water for 20-30 minutes, then wash with brush and paste.

Bubbles appeared as a result of "appearing too much gas" from beverages cause carbon dioxide. It increases the acidity of gastric juice, stir flatulence. As a result of drinking carbonated beverages for a long time gastric ulcer, gastritis with high acidity and other digestive diseases will appear.

It increases the risk of liver, pancreas, heart and of bone disease. According to statistics, in the liver of people who consume 1 liter of carbonated beverage a day negative cases occur 5 times more. This is explained by the large amount of chemicals damage the liver in the part of lemonade. In addition, there is a risk of getting diabetes and heart disease. Excessive sugar in carbonated beverages increases the load in pancreas. As a result it begins to produce large amounts of insulin. After a certain time, amount of sugar in blood is greatly reduced. This can lead to diabetes and metabolic disorders.

In addition to the above-stated, carbonated beverages wash out iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and other substances in the body. As a result, cardiac dysfunction happens, poor blood, bone softening, and lead to osteoporosis. For this reason, we must pay special attention to our especially children’s consumption of carbonated beverages.

     Yayraxon QULDAShEVA,


a high category doctor-endocrinologist.


(doctor’s suggestion)

The most useful drink for human’s health is yoghurt. Its several medicinal features are recognized both in folk and modern medicine:


* Yoghurt is considered as a valuable drink in the prevention of chronic gastritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension and ischemia disbacteriosis diseases. It is recommended to drink it 15 minutes after a meal in the aim of healing.

* Yogurt is effective in prevention of liver cirrhosis. In addition, drinking yogurt is also useful in diseases related to liver activity.

* If you want to reduce your weight, nonfat yogurt will help you.

* Regular yogurt consumption will not increase the amount of sugar in the blood. If there are people who were ill with diabetes in your family, do not stop drinking yogurt.

* A cup of yogurt drunk before going to sleep shows a positive effect on the stomach and intestines calms your spirit.

* If you are nervous and without appetite, drink a cup of yogurt half an hour before breakfast.

* If your skin of face became dry, mixing a bit of chopped herbs can be used instead of a mask.

* Calming and refreshing feature of yogurt help pregnant women during menopause and sucking mother’s milk. In addition, drinking yogurt is also useful in easing menstrual discomfort.

* If you want to live a long life, drink a cup of yogurt every day.

     Minuraxon BOZOROVA, a doctor.


Doctor’s consultation

"I’m vomiting after I became ill with flu. This problem used to bother before too but it disappeared after a certain time. And now it is prolonging.. Sometimes even if I don’t vomit as soon as I remember the discomfort all starts again. Should I meet a doctor?

Hanifa Rustamova, Buloqboshi district".

Chief doctor of the family polyclinic №3 in the city of Andijan  Muharramxon Rahmonova answers the question:


- The mentioned complaints by you of course, require relying on the results of the investigation and analysis. Because vomiting appears not only due to the area of the gastrointestinal tract, but also blood pressure (mostly when arterial pressure goes down) problems associated with them. This disorder often also develops due to viral infections as you suggested. Besides vomiting happens in the cases of the menstrual cycle changes, and some of the other reasons. In general, in order to clarify your statement then you must certainly meet gastroenterologist. First of all, determine your blood pressure, make an ultrasound gastrointestinal tract, and make a biochemical analysis of blood. 



The Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated on June 7, 2013, approved by the Senate on August 22, 2013, "About fighting against the spread the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection), the objectives set in the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan and certain work were carried out on ensuring the implementation of "Strategic program for fighting against the spread of HIV infection in the years 2013-2017 in the Republic of Uzbekistan" in Andijan region, in particular by the center of fighting against AIDS in the region during the past period of this year.

     According to the World Health organization, HIV infection covered all countries in the world today. Special attention is being paid to prevent this disease, fighting against it and enhancing explanatory and propaganda work among people.

In order to provide improving effectiveness of work in this direction and ensure a systematic necessary work is being carried out work by the Centre for fighting against AIDS in the region in cooperation with relevant organizations and general public.

Close cooperation was established with internal affairs, education, secondary vocational education departments, and regional department of "Mahalla" charity public fund, departments of the CSRO, the activists of the regional council of "Kamolot" youth’s movement and large-scale propaganda work is being carried out. Conversations, meetings aimed at the origin of AIDS, its spread, preventing it in businesses, organizations and educational institutions as well as several events among the population groups, youth at high risk of contracting the disease.

In all neighborhoods in cooperation with medical associations meeting and roundtable discussions are being carried out with the participation of community activists, people who came back from abroad and their family members. In addition, in cooperation with the regional, district and city councils activists of "Kamolot" youth’s movement in partnership with schools, high schools, colleges and higher educational institutions on the topic of AIDS prevention more than 2 thousand different events, as well as an essay contest were held on topic "Do you know about AIDS? " among school, high school and college students.

At the same time, necessary information and knowledge is being given on AIDS prevention, healthy lifestyle to the students of vocational colleges and pupils of high classes of schools in cooperation with the teachers of healthy lifestyle subject of secondary schools and activists of "Kamolot" youth’s movement. As part of these activities, participants were given a lot of books, booklets, films were shown.

- Risk of infection of the disease is high in our citizens who came back from foreign countries - says the chief doctor of the AIDS center Bahodir Yuldashev. - So, from the first days a medical examination has been established for our citizens who were abroad for a long period and came back. This prevents entering of the disease to the family from outside, and plays an important role in ensuring the stability of epidemic situation in the region.

The above effort is increasing the efficiency of propaganda work in this direction. They are strengthening people’s especially young people's concept about AIDS and its negative effects, as well as their knowledge on a healthy lifestyle.

Large-scale propaganda work is being carried out by the center's experts in train stations, airports, markets and crowded places. Especially being established of making conversations with the people going abroad before the flight, distribution of booklets with the devastating effects of AIDS to them are serving to increase the vigilance of people.

In a word, effective work is being carried out in our region on the prevention of the AIDS which was considered as a plague of the century, giving comprehensive information for citizens about this disease, its consequences.





Osteomyelitis is a bone infection disease, its basic factor is considered as infections. They are different depending on the types. Also, osteomyelitis appears due to after various injuries, open fractures and also due to the violation of the integrity of the skin.

Besides it appears as a result of the location of blood infections to some of the bones and development there. This is called hematogenic osteomyelitis.

Regardless of the origins of the disease for any reason there is a strong pain in part of the infection developed, the body temperature rises up to 39-40 degrees (some patients may lose conscious without bearingto this temperature and pain) these symptoms are very hard in someone and very easy in others. But they can skip the disease with carelessness. Especially gemotogen osteomyelitis may be seen in every bone in the body, that is starting from finger of hand and leg to the bones of the head.

A number of scientific and practical work were carried out in treatment of the disease in practice, the newest methods of treatment were introduced into practice. Now, necessary work is being carried out on the prevention of this disease and its effective treatment. Nevertheless, the factors that led to the appearance of the disease are increasing in recent years. For example, only car traumas are causing osteomyelitis at various levels. In addition people are becoming increasingly less doers. That is why adinimiya, less doing are become a big problem all over the world. Due to less doing the bones become soft, as a result of weakness of the bones various infections quickly and easily damage them.

Hematogenic osteomyelitis is mainly seen in people aged 5 to 25 years, an osteomyelitis appears after the injury is more common in adults. But today hematogenic osteomyelitis is also being observed in people aged 40-60. Because as a result of adinamiya the density of the bones breaks and increased susceptibility to infection. As a result, a lot of infections stick to the bones through the blood. This leads to a weakening of the bones system to fighting infections.

In most of the cases when the children are injured in an open or closed, the parents come with a variety of treatments. As a result of treatment knowing or without knowing will result in the worsening of the disease.

Complications of this disease are very complex, especially the impact on the joints, causing bone decay, which can cause crooked and shortening. In addition, caused by appearing of deformations in the tissues due to illness, purulent processes affect the internal organs, can also damage kidneys, heart and lungs. Therefore, it is very important to early detection of the disease, and to carry out the necessary procedures in a timely manner.

If the rotting process in infected bone is high it can not be recovered. But the bones of young children are growing, they have their recovery capability. But a long time passes till recovery. In this case, the foot or hand need to be gypsumed. Gypsum shows a negative impact on a soft tissue and joints that is prevents the free movement of joints.

Osteomyelitis can only be eliminated with the operation. First of all, patient's own bone growth and to put his bones instead of the bone removed is tried. Currently, there are several ways designed to grow the bones, due they are very complex great caution is required.

It is better to prevent any disease than treating it. Therefore, we must never forget to pay a regular attention to our health, be careful of the different happenings of the troubles.



Faridakhon IKRAMOVA, an assistant of the general surgery chair at ASMI.



Viral hepatitis (disease) is one of the infectious diseases, if it is not treated timely it can lead the patient to serious complications. In recent years, the growing incidence of this disease in the world is being observed. This, of course, make each of us have more information about this disease, necessary work should b carried out in order to to prevent the origin of the disease.

What kind of disease is viral hepatitis? How is it transmitted? What should be focused on in order to avoid it? It is important that each of us must have some concern and knowledge about these questions.


Latent period is seen in infected patients. This may happen in form. It begins with cold in some people and stomach pain, vomiting, arm and leg joints ache, and exhaustion in some.

First liver is damaged and clinical symptoms are appeared related to this. Becoming yellow of a man’s body can be considered as a specific to viral hepatitis. In some cases, the disease may also happen without becoming yellow of patient's body.

Liver cells and liver function disruptions can be seen in disintegration of a serious form of hepatitis. That’s why sudden changes happen in the patient's body. In other words, all the processes related to the functioning of the liver are in dysfunction. Viral hepatitis is very severe and serious disease. If it is not timely treated, passes to chronic phase itself, can lead to liver … .


To do this, first of all, the patient is required an inpatient treatment and adherence to a strict diet It is not recommended to eat meat in the early stages of the hepatitis. It’s better to eat dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt, rice pudding, pumpkin), as well as pasta, potato porridge, fruit juices during this time. Especially apple and white grape are very useful. Attention should be paid to patient’s urine and feces during the diet. Diet attention to the patient's according to the newspaper. If their color returns to their original color steam cooked minced meat can be given.


For the prevention of viral hepatitis first of all cleanliness must be followed. Drinking water should be boiled. Fresh fruit must be eaten washing thoroughly. It is also very important to vaccinate children against the disease in a timely manner. Especially, families with many children need to give serious attention to this disease. Because if this disease is seen in one child in the family it is soon transmitted to others too. So the ill child needs special treatment. It should also be noted that children with low immunity have more risk of disease transmission. Therefore, adequate nutrition for children, timely tempering procedures shoud be done.

Most importantly, we can prevent this disease with the cleanliness of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, achieving the daily menu rich in vitamins.

Jamilakhon ORIPOVA,


doctor of regional infectious diseases hospital.



A seminar on topic "Healthy life - Healthy future" was held in cooperation with "Iqbol" newspaper editorial staff and regional secondary vocational education in Andijan industrial-pedagogical college.

In this seminar that was held on the basis of the project of "Healthy lifestyle - the guarantee of our health" being carried out in the framework of the state grant by "Iqbol" newspaper editorial staff in order to ensure the implementation of assigned duties in state program "The year of healthy mother and child" carried out in the framework of the by the of the newspaper seminar, college teachers and students, doctors and specialists participated and exchanged views on topic.

The director of the college R.Juraboeva, chief of initial women's organization I.Qayumova, the worker of "Iqbal" newspaper Z. Rahmonova made a speech and spoke about the importance and relevance of promoting the issue of a healthy lifestyle habits among students, about the goals and objectives of the workshop.

After that the regional AIDS center specialist J. Mamadalieva, regional coordinator of nongovernmental educational centre "Educational- methodological center" at central council of "Kamolot" youth’s social movement O. Tojiahmedova read lectures on the subject.

During the workshop the students got detailed answers to their questions from the experts.

In the end prizes of memory of the newspaper- collection of literature  related to a healthy lifestyle, health were given as a  gift to a group of students who participated actively in the event. All the participants were given special numbers and booklets of "Iqbol" newspaper. The seminar helped the students to develop their knowledge related to a healthy lifestyle, medical culture.   



teacher of this college.