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Газетамизнинг янги сони сизга манзурми?
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We don't always follow doctors' advice like not lifting heavy things, not straining the organism above limit, not doing acute and risky attempts. The possibility of encountering serious problems will increase due to our carelessness to our health. The appearance of invertebrate herniated discs is one of these problems.

The following may cause invertebrate herniated discs:

- increasing of inner stomach pressure;

- hard physical labour;

- lifting heavy load mort ha body weight;

- becoming difficult of urine seperation;

- constipation;

- straining on women during maternity time.

Invertebrate herniated discs can be treated in a conservative way i.e without medicine. Curing this illness with the help of water treatment is widely spread these days.

The appearance period of hernia has a very big importance. The one till 3 months is easy and the hernia from 3 till 6 months is considered as stable. Besides an attention is paid to the size of hernia. If it is less than 9 millimeters it can be treated without interference of surgery.

This disease is not fearful and uncurable at all, if it is still "new" it is treated easily. If an interference of surgery is appointed no need to scare. A surgery operation which wasn't done on time may become a two hours' difficult operaion. Because supplement of organs squeezes in the hole of hernia with blood goes bad and vitality of organs dies out because of rambling on nerve fibres, a patient feels a strong pain in this case. During hernia attack pain is continuous and the patient will be in a shock condition. Only an immediate surgery operation can save patient's life.

It is not allowed to do the following in such cases:

- try not to standing in moist and draught places;

- control your body weight, don't be fat;

- go in for gymnastics (swimming for example); which strengthens the muscle waist and stomach;

- if you work in a sitting position stand up and walk every one hour;

- keep your figure straight while walking, sitting;

- get accustomed to sleeping on a hard mattress;

- try not to read and watching TV lying;

- don't lift heavy things, keep back from intends attempts.

- vibromassage is not allowed, because its power is very high.

- it is not permitted to rub strongly where hernia exists. Otherwise there will be a risk of pressing the place of fibres.

- doing various exercises standing in a vertical position is also dangerous. It may strain the muscles.

- don't make a massage by yourself!

- it is not allowed to rub wiping painkiller ointment regularly!

 The illness happens in 3 steps; our advice is to contact the doctor as soon as the signs of illness are determined.

In the first stage of sickness the dimension of hernia is 2-3 mm. Gives a strong pain over the vertebra. In the second stage this sickness is characterized with a permanent pain. The size will be 8-15 millimetres. In the third stage the pain is too strong and affects to nerve system. Puts the patient to not being able to walking condition.




 A human feels deeply that health is the biggest wealth as his age goes up. There is an old aged mother in our neighbourhood. She has got many children, much wealth. Although she is almost 100 years old she's still healthy and cheerful. I often visit her. We have a talk for a long time. I also worry about my children's, grandchildren's health and ask her for advice. She says "Health is in our hand, in labour attempt and calmness of soul".

  In fact she is right. I'm over 50. Thank goodness my health doesn't trouble me. Because I take power from labour. Ғirst of all I pay an attention to cleanliness, neatness. I try to follow great doctor Ibn Sino's idea "If there hadn't been dust and spray a man would have lived for 100 years. Because different infections may come into organism through dust and they may cause sickness. There will be both health and flourish in a clean place.

 Labour tempers man. And a hardened body can stand against ilnessess, exhaustion. Every person should always keep in mind that it is better to prevent the illness than treating it. So until now and later I'll try to do physical exercises as long as I can. Yet a man should worry for his health himself.


O'g'ilxon XALILOVA, a housewife.



  Today, it is important that couples who want to have children pass a genetic consultation. In general, each of the parents need to have specific knowledge on avoiding the risk of hereditary diseases, and how reducing them. The following are to inform to your attention.

 The human's body is a complex structure. Information is calculated in genes from pregnancy period until death and these staistics are presented in the growth, development, and activity. During the living period of the body external factors affect to it, for example such as climate, infections, mental shock, malnutrition, and other similar factors. This, in turn, leads to a violation of the development and activities of the members of the body (illness, and sometimes may have a disability).

 If these effects can damage genes, genetic diseases will occur. If this set of genes pass down from generation to generation, diseases caused by these damaged genes are considered, "hereditary", which will be passed from generation to generation.

  Even in case of genes are unaffected severe disability can not exceed generations.

 In such cases, will it help to contact genetic doctor?

  Genetics is usually contacted when there is a danger about the future health of the child. These concerns are presented in the followings:

 1) If hereditary diseases, congenital anomalies were noted in breed, or if uncurable diseases that can lead to disability exist;

 2) If this pregnancy came into existence on the basis of negative factors and continuing.

 In such cases, doctor's advice is required, the real existence of the risk the size of the extent is clarified.

 Often genetics consultation is given in the situation of the birth of child with congenital anomalies, developing, and uncurable diseases.

 The couples planning inbreed are required to go through genetic counseling before marriage.

  Who are included in "Dangerous group?"

 Any person has a risk of congenital reproductive in or that, this is assessed about 2 percent. This is called "an average-risk population". It is closely related to the bedrock of the planet's natural radiation, unfavorable environmental factors. But at the same time, there is a high-risk group too: various levels of "long" at a marriage between blood relatives, professional people about the permanent harmful effects (chemicals, microwave, under X-ray radiation) alcohol alcohol obsession, drug addicts, toksikomans. The risk of giving birth to a child with Daun syndrome will be greater in women over the age of 35.

 So, reducing the risk may come to extent depends on this case depends on the individual. Therefore, first of all, special attention should be paid to following healthy lifestyle principles, prevention of marriage between close relatives.

 Minurakhon BOZOROVA, a doctor.



Health care, increasing the level and quality of medical services is one of the most important tasks in our country. In this regard, the ongoing large-scale works are giving effective results in improving reproductive health, particularly maternal and child health.

 In order to ensure the implementation of tasks in the state program "Healthy mother and child" patronage monthly events held in facilities patronage helped closely to improve the efficiency of the work in this direction.

The main purpose of the events during the month was directed to improve further medical prevention work, visiting and checking the women of childbearing age, pregnant women, children, lone elderly, disabled and vulnerable patients and the quality and efficiency of health-care.

- The system on covering the population with the help of the patronage service was created,in our establishment - said the chief doctor of the clinic in the city of Andijan №1 Yodgorbek Buronov. – Our team shows a medical service to more than 80 thousand people living in 15 neighborhoods in the city of Andijan. 43 patronage nurses, 12 general practitioners are always aware of the health of family members attached to them, their mental, social status. During medical examination process our specialists are having conversatons and dialogues with school- children, girls at the age of adults on negative consequences of inbreeding, prevention children's diseases, and proper nutrition with the participation of parents.

- We have got a special bag with tonometer, fonendoskop, baby scales, and equipment for examination of pregnant women - sais patronage nurse of neighbourhood citizens council No.7 Sanjoma Rahmonova. – We're assisting to improve their health literacy, forming healthy lifestyle in families talking to families. The people are very pleased with such care and attention being paid to keep the health of the population in the country. Local consultant Diloromxon Matisaeva accompanied us during the month.

Although patronage month is over propaganda work is being continued by doctors. Being estimated of patronage nurses activity based on rating is forming healthy competition environment among them and improving the efficiency of the work.





Health care, increasing the level and quality of medical services is one of the most important tasks in our country. In this regard, the ongoing large-scale works are giving effective results in improving reproductive health, particularly maternal and child health.

 In order to ensure the implementation of tasks in the state program "Healthy mother and child" patronage monthly events held in facilities patronage helped closely to improve the efficiency of the work in this direction.

The main purpose of the events during the month was directed to improve further medical prevention work, visiting and checking the women of childbearing age, pregnant women, children, lone elderly, disabled and vulnerable patients and the quality and efficiency of health-care.

- The system on covering the population with the help of the patronage service was created,in our establishment - said the chief doctor of the clinic in the city of Andijan №1 Yodgorbek Buronov. – Our team shows a medical service to more than 80 thousand people living in 15 neighborhoods in the city of Andijan. 43 patronage nurses, 12 general practitioners are always aware of the health of family members attached to them, their mental, social status. During medical examination process our specialists are having conversatons and dialogues with school- children, girls at the age of adults on negative consequences of inbreeding, prevention children's diseases, and proper nutrition with the participation of parents.

- We have got a special bag with tonometer, fonendoskop, baby scales, and equipment for examination of pregnant women - sais patronage nurse of neighbourhood citizens council No.7 Sanjoma Rahmonova. – We're assisting to improve their health literacy, forming healthy lifestyle in families talking to families. The people are very pleased with such care and attention being paid to keep the health of the population in the country. Local consultant Diloromxon Matisaeva accompanied us during the month.

Although patronage month is over propaganda work is being continued by doctors. Being estimated of patronage nurses activity based on rating is forming healthy competition environment among them and improving the efficiency of the work.




Шундай инсонлар бўладики, улар тириклигида ўзларига мангу ҳайкал қўйиб кетадилар. Ана шундай буюк зотлардан бири мамлакатимизнинг биринчи Президенти Ислом Абдуғаниевич Каримов эди.

У кишининг шижоати ва мардлиги билан юртимиз мустақил деб эълон қилингандан сўнг ўтган йигирма беш йил давомида Ўзбекистонимизда асрлага татигулик ишлар амалга оширилди. Энг асосийси, юртимиз обод бўлди, халқимизнинг тинч ва фаровон ҳаётига тамал тоши қўйилди, юртимиз қудрати, буюк келажаги жаҳон ҳамжамияти томонидан эътироф этилди. Минг афсуски, ул зот бугун орамиздан боқий дунёга кетди. Лекин у киши бошлаб берган истиқбол йўли, эзгу амаллар бардавомдир.

Халқимиз миллий истиқлолга эришган дастлабки оғир кунларни, ғанимлар диний, миллатлараро низо ва фитна солишга уринаётган таҳликали даврларни бевосита Президентимизнинг мардонаворлиги ва қатъияти билан енгиб ўтди. Яратганнинг марҳамати ва Юртбошимизнинг оқил сиёсати туфайли халқимиз барча қийинчиликларни енгиб ўтди.

Дарҳақиқат, бугун юртимиз тинч, ҳаётимиз фаровон. Жамиятимизнинг ҳар бир фуқароси интилса, ҳаракат қилса, ҳар қандай орзу-истагига эришиши мумкин. Бундай гўзал, фаровон, тинч-осуда ҳаётни ота-боболаримиз фақат орзу қилишган, қолаверса, уруш ҳаракатлари, турли табиий офатлар рўй бераётган кўплаб давлатлар аҳолиси юртимизга ҳавас назари билан қарашлари аниқ.

Мана шундай тинч, осуда, неъматлар бисёр бир маконда яшаётганлигимизга шукрона айтишимиз зарур. Бизга эркинлик берган, ўз имкониятларимиздан тўлақонли фойдаланишимиз учун зарур шарт-шароитлар яратиб берилган мамлакатимиз равнақи учун қўлимиздан келганча хизмат қилиш биз учун ҳам қарз, ҳам фарздир.

Ҳамма нарса муҳайё бўлса-да, аҳён-аҳёнда айрим юртдошларимизнинг ношукрлик қилишлари ҳар қандай одамни ранжитади. Тўғри, кишининг ҳаёти ҳамиша текис ўтмайди. Баъзида ҳаётда турли қийинчиликлар юз бериши мумкин. Бу билан ношукр бўлишимиз, бунинг учун кимларнидир айблашимиз динимизнинг ёхуд инсонийликнинг бирор бир мезонига тўғри келмайди. Инсон Аллоҳ берган қийинчиликларни сабр, бардош билан енгиши керак. Аллоҳ таоло Қуръони Каримда: "Эй иймон келтирган бандалар, берган неъматларимга шукр қилсаларингиз зиёда қиламан, бордию ношукр бўлсаларингиз уни сизлар учун танг қиламан ва азобим ҳам қаттиқроқдир", деб марҳамат қилган.

Шу ўринда шукр қандай адо этилиши хусусида кенгроқ тўхталиб ўтишимиз ўринли бўлади. Шукр қилишлик икки хил бўлади, шукр қалбий, яъни қалбан шукр қилиш. Шукри лисоний, яъни тил билан шукр қилишлик. Банда шукр қилишлик аввало, банда эга бўлиб турган барча неъматларга хурсандлик билан рози бўлмоғи, Тилнинг шукри ёлғон гапирмаслик, ғийбат, шикоят қилмаслик, қулоқнинг шукри эса ғийбатларни эшитмаслик, кўзнинг шукри ношаръий нарсаларга тик боқмаслик, хуллас мана шунга ўхшаб инсон ўз вужудидаги аъзоларига зиён келтирадиган барча нарсалардан ўзини эҳтиёт қилмоқлигидадир.

Тил билан қилинадиган шукр ҳам доимо Аллоҳнинг зикрида бўлиш, худа-беҳуда гапларни гапирмаслик билан бўлади. Вужуднинг шукри ибодат билан, қалбнинг шукри эса қалбига гумон, иғво, бўҳтон сингари ёмон иллатларни келтирмаслик билан намоён бўлади. Улуғ донишмандлардан бири инсон: "Ё Роббим, аввало юртимизни тинч қилганингга шукр, аҳли аёл, аҳли солиҳ фарзандлар берганингга, озми-кўпми мол-мулк билан сийлаганингга, адолатли подшо, оқибатли қўни-қўшнилар билан ҳамроҳ қилганингга шукр" дея барча неъматларга шукр қилмоғи керак деб ёзади.

Пайғамбар (с.а.в.) эса муборак ҳадису шарифларида "Қаноатли киши бой кишидир, сабрли киши иймонлидир, чунки иймоннинг ярми сабр билан ўлчанади" деганлар. Инсон ҳар қандай ҳолатда ҳам Роббисига шукр қилмоғи, қиёмат кунини фикр қилмоғи, ҳар бир қадамини ўйлаб, сўзларини эса фикрлаб гапирмоғи зарур бўлади. Аллоҳ таоло шукр қилгувчи бандалари билан ва сабрлилар билан биргадир. Аллоҳ таоло барчаларимизга шукр қилишлигимизни зиёда қилсин, ношукр бўлишдан ўз паноҳида асрасин. Сабрли бандалари қаторида бу дунёда чиройли ҳаёт кечиришликни насиб этсин. Юртимизда тинчлик, осойишталик барқарор бўлсин.


Андижон шаҳридаги "Шаҳид тепа" номли жомеъ масжид имоми.




Агар Сиз йил давомида вилоятимиз хотин-қизлари ҳаёти, ибратли ишлари, уларнинг ижод намуналари билан танишиб боришни истасангиз, 2019 йил учун "Иқбол" газетасига обуна бўлинг.

Газетамиз саҳифаларида:

- вилоят хотин-қизлар қўмитаси, вилоятимиз хотин- қизлари ҳаёти ва фаолиятига оид қизиқарли мақолалар;

- жаҳонга машҳур аёллар ҳаёти, ижоди ва фаолиятига оид мақолалар;

- опа-сингилларимизнинг шеър, ҳикоя ва бошқа бадиий ижод намуналари;

- пазандалик, орасталик сирлари ва маслаҳатлар;

- маърифий, тарбиявий мавзулардаги мақолалар;

- ТВ дастурлари;

- шунингдек, турли мавзулардаги ранг-баранг ва қизиқарли мақолалар билан танишиб борасиз.

"Иқбол" - бу Сизнинг газетангиз, у Сизнинг кўнглингизга яқин нашр бўлиб қолишига ишонамиз.

Шу боис, "Иқбол"га обуна бўлишни унутманг!

Обуна почта бўлимлари, матбуот уюшмаси дўконларида ташкил этилмоқда

Бизнинг манзил: Андижон шаҳар, Навоий шоҳкўчаси, 71- уй.

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