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20 Feb 2017


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Rachitis is a general disease of the organism of children in fast growing age, and is caused by vitamin D deficiency. In this case calcium and phosphorus metabolism dysfunction, impaired bone mineralization.

This disease shows a negative impact on the formation and development of organism of young children. Although the disease is mild, it seriously damages the health of children, their normal growing up. Every mother should have an understanding of this disease, when symptoms of the disease are known a doctor should be consulted immediately.

When the disease starts, the child becomes irritable, is afraid of a small thing, can not sleep well, cries a lot, a lot of sweating, especially absorbing, crying and fell asleep, his head on the pillow and friction. Therefore, the hair on the back of his head falls down. If the child is not treated in a timely manner, the disease becomes strong, changes in the bones appear. Because the accumulation of salts of calcium becomes less in the bones of children suffering from rickets. Forehead and the top of the skull sticks out, stiff branches are bent. Chest of the children who were sick with rickets and didn’t take a treatment may become crooked.

Rachitis damages not only bones and muscle, but also damages the tissues, relaxes them. As a result of gathering of air in the intestines and the muscles stretch, the stomach becomes big. Due to bones and muscles are weak sick child sits late and walks late, teeth appear too late too. Children with rachitis often become sick with influenza, pneumonia, infectious diseases, suffer from constipation or goes to toilet without stopping.

In order to prevent rachitis adequate nutrition for the child, timely additional food, fresh air walking, swimming, vitamins, including vitamin D, comply with the regime must be followed. In addition, the child’s frequently examination by a doctor is also important. Prevention work related to the prevention of rachitis should start before the child is born.

A pregnant woman should drink vitamin D 1.5 - 2 months before giving birth. Month-born children are given vitamin starting from 2 weeks. Its amount is determined by the doctor. Vitamin is not given to child higgledy-piggledy, otherwise may remain a variety of complications. It is also allowed to give thoroughly washed and dried peel of eggs, and then you can drink making it too small. In addition, according to the recommendation of a doctor, it is also useful to give an aqueous solution of vitamin D trim.

Dear mothers! Don’t forget that your child’s suffering from rachitis in many ways depends on you.




teachers of Andijan State Medical Institute.

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