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Газетамизнинг янги сони сизга манзурми?
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12 Mar 2018


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Anemia is a disease that is caused by the lack of iron in the human body. For example, every healthy body contains only 3-4 grams of iron. Although it is less, it plays an important role in the organism. That is it performs great and important task as entering the red blood cells and supplies oxygen to the tissues. Almost 67% of the body's iron contains red blood cells (erythrocytes), 27% in special compounds (ferritin, gemosiderin), 5.9% in different cells in the body, as well as muscle tissue and enzymes, and in a small amount (0, 1%) in blood plasma. Iron comes more in meat products and well absorbed from them. In vegetable, fruit and vegetable it is less than meat. In girls and adolescents, adult men and women may lose up to 1,5 to 2,5 mg of iron per day during menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth. Sometimes the food content of the ingredients is very low, or it is less absorbed by the body due to intestinal diseases. Also due to the rapid growth of adolescents, consecutive pregnancy in women, and bleeding from the body for various reasons, the amount of iron in the body decreases dramatically. In such cases, the required level of iron is filled up by the accumulation of organisms in the body. Therefore, a person must consume more products existing iron. As a result of anemia caused by iron deficiency, the function of all organs in the body is broken. This especially has a negative impact on pregnant woman on the fetus development and complications are severe. In this case mothers and children often suffer from this disease. Anemia reduces the person's ability to work, and also causes headaches and faster heart attacks. People are tired quickly, change their mood quickly, get angry with trivial things. Iron deficiency decreases the protective capacity of the patient, increases the chances of chronic diseases in the body, and the possibility of infecting various infectious diseases. Anemia also affects the appearance of a person: hair is dripped, skin is dry, the legs become cracked, and the nails break down becoming thin, the teeth become weak. Currently, a number of measures have been developed by the doctors in the country to prevent the illness and all the necessary work is being done. In particular, at the initiative of the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan, anemia prevention and treatment centers were established in the regions, districts and cities. They quickly detect and cure the disease based on specific instructions. Our health is in our hands. Especially we must not neglect the anemia. If we can provide regular consumption of products such as peas, dried apricots, plums, kerosene, rice, wheat and leguminous plants in addition to meat products, we will prevent anemia. Munirakhon BOZOROVA, Teacher of Andijan state medical Institute.

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