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We can’t find a person who was not mesmerized by the magic and sad tone of lullaby, hadn’t have a rest under its influence. Lullaby is such a strong power, it can turn wrath into love, can make happy an unhappy man.

When a wise man was asked of the most beautiful and happiest woman of the world he replied “The woman who is singing a lullaby to her child is the happiest and the most beautiful woman”. I was very interested in folklore performance since my childhood. Singing vocal duet, sayings from folklore my passion for the study of patterns of national values increased. Especially every time when I sing a lullaby I memorize lullabies which I learned from my mother, grandmother. Something strange appears in my heart, as if my heart flood flows. I return to childhood, sweet memories at least for a moment.

As soon as I first heard about the Republican contest “Lullabies sang by my mother” the opinion of participating in it came to my mind. With the recommendation of our director I participated in it and tested my talent. Taking 2nd place in the regional stage of the competition is also a great achievement for me.

While working in the house of culture in Khanabad city I realized that studying samples of folk culture, propagating them widely among the people were one of our most important tasks. Because feelings of loyalty to nation, country, love, family love, sense of dignity forms exactly by soaking up folklore samples into hearts. A spiritual environment will be stable in a place where national values, their importance are understood. I think folklore samples should be propagandized especially among young people. For example, today our young brides, many young mothers admit clearly their not knowing to sing a lullaby. Being held of contests above-mentioned is becoming a good opportunity to learn a lullaby for our brides, we can say without an exaggeration.

I wish the happiness of singing a lullaby to their children is vouchsafed to all of our dear and respectable women. May whatever dreams and aspirations in their hearts will come true.

Mahfuzakhon MANIYAZOVA,

employee of the house of culture in Khanabad city.