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Anemia is a disease that is caused by the lack of iron in the human body. For example, every healthy body contains only 3-4 grams of iron. Although it is less, it plays an important role in the organi...
This page was published under the auspices of the Public Fund for Support of NGOs and other civil society institutions under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of the p...
The “Iqbol” newspaper, which publishes its socio-political, cultural and educational publications, has been published since 1997. The newspaper is being printed in A 3 format present time. In the page...
(№52) SPECIALIST’S ROSTRUM Botulism being a very dangerous disease appears with the symptoms of gastroenteritis. The poison separated in the process of the disease brings to a respiratory and cardiova...
(№52) HEALING GIFTS Olive oil is considered as the most useful one among oils. Stomach and intestines diseases can be treated with the help of it. In general, olive oil has a lot of useful features. O...
(№52) A round table discussion on the topic "Important tasks in improving the medical literacy of the population" was held with the initiative of the women's committee of the city of Khanabad in a cit...