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Андижон шаҳар, Навоий шоҳкўчаси, 71- уй
Газетамизнинг янги сони сизга манзурми?
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04 Aug 2016


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(You should Know this!) * According to the statistics of World Health Organization, a fetus doesn’t develop properly in 30-70% of smoking women. Or it falls down before the time. Their weight is much...
(RECOMMENDED) Today, we are having a sunny summer season full of fruits in our country. Now, wherever we go, we will witness the abundance of fruits. But don’t forget that it’s important we paid an at...
(RECOMMENDED) Children look like tree. So it is important to preserve them in a variety of unpleasantness. Because a lot of children in infancy or illness can be grown its complications. * Wash your c...
(SPECIALIST’S ROSTRUM) Today, trophoblastic neoplasms is one of the many diseases found among women.This disease is satellite elements of developing malignant tumors was observed in the current period...
(AN ACTION) A health campaign was held in Bulakbashi named "Women's health - the wealth of the community". In order to ensure the implementation of the state program "Health mother and child", held at...
Anemia is mainly caused by lack of iron in the body of human being. For example, there will be only 3-4 grams of iron in a healthy body. Though it is small, plays an important role in the body. In ot...