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22 Sep 2016


(№ 39) 2016 year is the year of “healthy mother and child”

A large-scale work is being carried out on the protection of the health of the population in the country, improving the quality of medical service, strengthening the material-technical base of medical institutions.

Especially due to a special attention to this branch in the years of independence the scope of work in early detection of variety of diseases, effective treatment is increasing from year to year.

It should be noted that positive results are being achieved on the protection of the health of the population as a result of attention to rural health centers, measures aimed for improving their activity. Good work is being conducted in this aspect in Andijan district as well.

Today, 24 rural health centers are working effectively in the district. In recent years, major repair and reconstruction works have been carried out in all of them. All rural health centers were fully provided with modern medical equipment and necessary tools in the framework of project of "Health-1", "Health-2".

Currently, the activity of rural health centers Qo’nji, Rovot, Istiqlol, Chilon, Zavroq were organized properly in the district.

- Our rural health center serving the population of more than 14 thousand population who live in Ravot, Bakhrin Qumko’cha, To'qqizbog' council of citizens of neighborhood is located in remote areas of the district - says the director of "Ravot" medical center Zarifaxon Yakubova. Our facility was provided with EKG, laboratory, physical therapy and other medical equipment.

Providing the implementation of  tasks mentioned in "Year of healthy mother and child" state program", as well as decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on August 1, 2014, "Further improving strengthen reproductive health of the population in Uzbekistan for the period of 2014-2018 maternal, child and adolescent health,  in the State Program" on the execution of pregnant women, women of childbearing age and children to a medical examination, vaccination as a result of being held on a systematic and consistent work in rural areas by our doctors reproductive health indicators improved sharply.

In fact, launching of a laboratory in rural health center gave the chance of a biochemist that is to receive 5 kinds results of the analysis at the same place. It plays an important role in determining the level of this disease, as well as put an end for patients going for biochemical analysis to the center of district.

- In recent years the quality of showing medical service to the population improved totally in our rural health center - says a housewife Dilfuzaxon Madumarova who lives in Bahrin neighborhood. Especially creating a variety of opportunities for the analysis of blood put an end to other women like me going to the center of the district and coming back. We mothers are especially very happy with such favorable conditions being creating for the health of our children.

Being providing of  rural health centers with necessary equipment additionally as well as the patronage bags and  drugs,  provision of necessary reagents regularly in the aim of  improving patronage services for the rural population play an important role in increasing the effectiveness of the work.

In a word, due to the improvement of material and technical basis of the rural medical center,  result of the extensive work carried out in improving the quality of the medical service going of people are growing significantly, especially positive results have been achieved in all directions as a result of propaganda work aimed at increasing the level of medical knowledge, negative consequences of inbreeding, creating healthy family a healthy lifestyle, protecting maternal and child health in neighborhood by local doctors.